1 |
G.001 Thesis Proposal and Advisor Confirmation |
2 |
G.002 New Advisor Confirmation |
3 |
G.003 Title/Progressive Examination |
4 |
G.004 Thesis/Master Project Defensive Examination |
5 |
G.005 Comprehensive/Qualifying Examination |
6 |
G.006 Corrected Thesis Proposal |
7 |
G.007 Study leave extension/Return to work |
8 |
G.008 Take leave/Return to study |
9 |
G.009 Graduation Approval |
10 |
G.010 Presentation/Published Article |
11 |
G.011 Grant for Presentation/Publication |
12 |
G.013 New Student Registration Postponement |
13 |
G.014 Change of Study Plan/Major/Field |
14 |
G.015 Certificate of Admission for Graduate Study |
15 |
G.016 Foreign Language Result |