Bachelor of Science Program in Informatics for Digital Economy (International Program) (I-BIT)
1. Applicant must have completed, or enrolled in the final semester of Mathayom 6 (grade 12
of US system /year 13 of British system/ Vocational program) with GPAX of at least 2.75
and with at least 30 credits of science mathematics; GED or IGCSE as an equivalent study
at high school (M.6) will be also taken into consideration.
2. TOEFL Paper-based/ITP result at least 500; or
TOEFL (iBT) result at least 62; or
IELTS result at least 5.0; or
TU-GET result at least 500; or
CU-TEP result at least 62; or
KMUTNB English Proficiency Test at least 60% of Total Score
1. Passport-sized photo (no hat and no sunglasses).
2. Official Sealed transcripts and Highschool Certificate including the details of courses and GPAX. All documents must be certified.
3. An English proficiency certificates e.g. TOEFL or IELTS. (recommended)
4. A Copy of Passport/ Citizen ID
5. A Copy of House Registration/ Current Address